1230 Pro 3-Way Loudspeaker
The Smith Pro Audio 1230 3-way loudspeaker features high power, high output performance, extraordinary side and rear cancellation, and can be used in a front of house system, side fill, floor monitor and is suitable for permanent installation or mobile applications.

118 Pro Mobile Sub
The Smith Pro Audio 118M subwoofer is capable of delivering bass and sub-bass frequencies that remain consistent and true, at any distance. The SPA 118M can be utilized in a vertical or horizontal position.

3dBB Bass Box
The Smith Pro Audio P3dBB Bassbox is the perfect small profile, high power cabinet in the studio or in a live venue. The P3dBB delivers 600 watts at 4Ω of extended bass frequency to give the professional musician the best of all worlds.
“Our relationship with Smith Audio has benefited us and K.J. Farrell’s beyond all expectations. The products, services and guidance that Smith Audio provided us with have truly helped transform our club into a premiere live music venue on Long Island.”
Kevin Sheehan / Craig Kelly“Intense’ is the reaction I get. The rig never fails me. Smith Audio delivers a very accurate and dynamic response night after night.”
Breezy“The installation of our Smith Audio products has added a new dimension to the sound at our venue. Excellent clarity throughout the entire frequency range. The subwoofers are very musical and pack a strong punch. Having a full range 3-way top is far superior than a 2-way design”
Mike Mazzeracco“I have been in the business of audio productions for 25 plus years and it is great to see products from a company that just sounds natural right out of the box. Smith Audio has achieved this with their line of loud speakers.”
Phil Christie